
Posts Tagged ‘feeding eval’

We’re still in the middle of TEFRA paperwork and I have handy Lukes eval’s so I thought I would copy over his results. This eval is from 12/29/08 – 11.5 mos. I’ll just hit the highlights.


“…he was refereed for this evaluation due to concerns regarding gagging and vomiting with baby foods as well as concerns regarding his progression of expressive language skills. ”

Notable Medical Info

  • FTNB (full term newborn)
  • Seizure disorder dx at 6 weeks
  • GER with continuing clinical symptoms despite meds (reflux)
  • Chronic ear infections s/p PE tube placement 10/08
  • History of difficulty with weight gain
  • Dairy/Soy intolerance per parent report
  • Chronic congestion/wheezing per parent report
  • Late in achieving speech milestones
  • Chronic snoring at night

Current Meds

  • Phenobarbitol
  • Prevacid

I’ll skip a bunch here. The report is 7 pages but filled with tons of feedback and info. I wish I could type it all out because it’s so interesting. The report outlines behavioral observations, the assesment and exam, oral motor and feeding assessment, oral sensory assessment (taste, smell, feel, etc), liquids, foods, language (PLS-4 0-11 and 1-0 because of his age -11.5mos is border line) and (REEL-3).

The Preschool Language Scale – 4 (0 – 11 months) 

  •  Auditory Comprehension: Standard Score – 86 (low average), Age Equivalent – 8 months, Percent Delay – 27%
  • Expressive Communication: Standard Score – 103 (within average range), Age Equivalent – 11 months, Percent Delay – n/a
  • Total Language: Standard Score – 94 (within average range), Age Equivalent – 9 months, Percent Delay – 18%

The Preschool Language Scale – 4 (1 – 3 yrs)

  • Auditory Comprehension: Standard Score – 73 (moderate delay), Age Equivalent – 8 months, Percent Delay – 33% 
  • Expressive Communication:  Standard Score – 83 (low average), Age Equivalent – 11 months, Percent Delay – 8%
  • Total Language: Standard Score – 76 (moderate delay), Age Equivalent – 9 months, Percent Delay – 25%


The Receptive-Expressive Emergent Language Scale (3)

  • Receptive Language: Ability Score – 68 (severe delay), Age Equivalent – 5 months, Percent Delay – 55%
  • Expressive Language: Ability Score – 70 (moderate delay, borderline severe), Age Equivalent – 5 months, Percent Delay – 55%

The report goes on to list his strengths and weaknesses. 


  1. localizes sounds
  2. looks at objects when attention is called to it
  3. understands specific words or phrases such as ‘give me a kiss’
  4. sustains attention for play for at least one minute
  5. babbles two syllables together
  6. extends toy to others
  7. produces following sounds: /b/ and /d/ and occasionally /m/


  1. not yet able to respond to ‘no-no’
  2. does not use more than one object during play
  3. does not play appropriately with a variety of objects
  4. does not follow routine with familiar cues
  5. does not identify familiar objects
  6. does not vocalize two different vowel sounds
  7. does not use any words meaningfully
  8. does not consistently vocalize when talked to

It goes on to articulation, voice, hearing and another assessment with impressions and a plan with 6 long bulleted paragraphs.



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